Read The Invisible Executive Crushed by Career Forgotten by Family Restored by Faith Ph D Marlon M Walters 9781732966321 Books

Read The Invisible Executive Crushed by Career Forgotten by Family Restored by Faith Ph D Marlon M Walters 9781732966321 Books

Product details

  • Hardcover 220 pages
  • Publisher Marlon Walters & Associates LLC (January 2, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 173296632X

The Invisible Executive Crushed by Career Forgotten by Family Restored by Faith Ph D Marlon M Walters 9781732966321 Books Reviews

  • Dr. Marlin’s book is perfect for anyone who feels suffocated or unhappy in their careers. No matter what that career is - if you’ve made it to the top of the executive ladder with a window office and a huge pay check or maybe you’re a first generation college graduate. But now you’re unhappy, disengaged, unfocused, and suffocating even as you try to appreciate where you are.

    Dr. Marlin opens his life to the reader and shows us how to get unstuck, how to change in order to live with ourselves and not be some outward ideal we’re trying to fit ourselves into. Learn to be more alive and visible with this book!
  • You know when Marlon first told me about his book idea I was intrigued. He mentioned that though he had an MBA and a Ph.D. and worked for top fortune 100 companies, that he often felt invisible. WOW, that idea blew my mind. How had the institution of corporate American missed the mark when it comes to retaining and recognizing talent. This book shares the power of showing up for yourself when you don't feel seen by anyone else. Bravo! Part memoir part inspirational business powerhouse.
  • This book is a true testament of how some of us feel overlooked and undervalued in corporate America. But not only does it point out our valid concerns, the text provides inspiration and provocative thoughts and lessons about moving forward; guidance to keep going. I am so inspired by this book to keep pressing on and to continue being true to myself.
  • Fortunately for us, Dr. Marlon Walters came out the other side of being a 'diversity' hire.

    Now, he can share with the world how he, an intelligent, beyond qualified candidate dealt with being hired and then ignored. Making suggestions, having those suggestions cast aside, and then hearing those same suggestions made by someone else - to wild applause. How many times does that need to happen before you know that this is about not looking like the others sitting at the conference table?

    After several disheartening experiences with his corporate dream, and after sinking into a place of invisibility, Marlon used his faith and wisdom to get his swag back!

    If you have ever felt invisible, read his story and know that you are not alone, it is not all in your head, and you do not need to settle.

    If you have not experienced invisibility in corporate America (or elsewhere), then read this so that you can understand the challenges and become an advocate.
  • Having previewed the book and recently hearing Dr. Walters talk about it and his life's journey, I am definitely excited about the lessons and principles that can be applied to my own career path. Dr. Walters brings a fresh perspective to this topic and I think many people will benefit from his unique insight.
